19th Annual Conference
Emerging Trends in Transnational education (TNE)
Important Dates
About the Event
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 19th Circle International Conference to be held in London on 13th-14th April 2023. The theme of the conference will be Emerging Trends in Transnational education (TNE). The conference will be hosted by the International Foundation Group, University Vitez, the University of Salford, and the University of Gloucestershire.
Transnational education (TNE) is firmly embedded as a major aspect of the internationalisation of UK higher education& many other countries. Western institutions have benefited greatly from global demand by exporting their educational programmes. However, while TNE remains an area of significance and growth, the changing landscape is creating challenges for the sustainability of such programmes. This conference will contribute critical insights for TNE strategists by exploring the dynamics and complexity of an evolving TNE context. Read more…

This historic and iconic hotel was completely rebuilt in 1899 and then extended and renovated recently to create a 152-room 4* star hotel. The modern conference facilities and bedrooms provide a contrast with the original Gothic-style exterior and magnificent Victorian bar.
Delegates of a certain age may recognise the frontage from the title frames of the long-running TV series, Minder.
Cricklewood was originally a small rural village just north of central London. In 1920, the aerodrome there was converted into Cricklewood Film Studios which, at the time, were the largest in the country.
Cricklewood and the nearby Kilburn became well known for its large Irish community and has now developed into a thriving and multicultural part of London. It provides a great base for exploring different parts of London, with nearby train stations offering access to central London in just ten minutes.
The busy high street contrasts with much quieter Victorian and Edwardian houses in the side streets, and Gladstone Park provides fantastic views of Wembley Stadium, the London Eye and The Shard. Mark Twain lived nearby for a while and said of the park that he had
“never seen any place that was so satisfactorily situated, with its noble trees and stretch of country, and everything that went to make life delightful, and all within a biscuit’s throw of the metropolis of the world” (Wikipedia. OK, not a very academic source but we can get away with it this time, can’t we?)

Circle International – UK
Circle International was formed in 2003 to bring together university academics from Europe and beyond who shared a passion for research into different business and management topics. Under the visionary leadership of its provost, Professor Vignali of the University Vitez, it has expanded rapidly over the last 17 years and is proud of its formidable team of professors.

UNIVERSITY VITEZ – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Circle International is proud to be associated with the University Vitez and to deliver the Universities’ courses on blended mode of study. The main campus of the University Vitez is situated in the medieval town of Travnik in Bosnia, which is part of the Balkan region of western Europe. The Balkans is an area with a rich tradition for higher education and boasts two of the oldest universities in the world in Zagreb and Sarajevo.

International Foundation Group
IFG offer a range of foundation programmes creating pathways to high-ranking universities at undergraduate, masters and PhD level. It has campuses in central London&Abu Dhabi as well as partnering colleges and universities in different countries to deliver its courses.
It established the transnational Education and Students’ Mobility Centre known as TESMC to encourage partnership in higher education and to promote and support students studying for qualifications from institutions oversea. The centre focuses on internationalisation, the social dimensions of higher education and the sustainability of strategic international partnerships.
Our Speakers
Kevin Ibeh, PhD, FCIM, FRSA, is a Commonwealth Scholarship Commissioner & is also Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) and Professor of Marketing and International Business at Birkbeck, University of London. His research has mainly focused on advancing knowledge of how non-dominant firms, including SMEs, leverage growth opportunities in international markets. He is considered a leading authority on emerging African Multinational Enterprises and is regularly invited to speak on this and other topics at major international meetings. Professor Ibeh has undertaken consulting/advisory roles for a range of international organisations, including the World Bank Group, the OECD, Scottish Enterprise, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Department of Trade and Investment of Northern Ireland. He has had professional stints in the US, Canada, Germany, China, India, Finland, Spain, Singapore, Bahrain and Oman, and has presented to academic, practitioner and policy audiences around the world. Professor Ibeh currently serves (or has served) as an external examiner/assessor for institutions in Poland, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, China, Ghana, Malaysia, Nigeria, the UK, and the USA. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Chartered Institute of Marketing, a former Commonwealth Scholar, among others. He recently guest-edited three major scholarly journals, sits on the editorial advisory board of several international journals, and currently serves as Lead Editor of the Palgrave Series on Entrepreneurship in Africa. Author of over a hundred academic papers, Professor Ibeh’s work has appeared in the Journal of World Business, British Journal of Management, International Business Review, Journal of Business Research, and Management International Review, among others. He has also published four books, the latest of which appeared in 2017.
Professor Kevin Ibeh, PhD, FCIM, FRSA
Keynote speaker
Dr. Glen Farrugia, Ph.D. (Leics) is the Chief Operations Officer of Academia at the Institute of Tourism Studies. He lectures at undergraduate and postgraduate level on subjects related to Tourism Management, Culture Heritage and Museology. His responsibilities include supervision of dissertations, external examination and tutoring. He is a member of the Research Ethics Board at the Institute for Education as well as a Board Member (MATSEC Examinations Department) at the University of Malta. He advises the government of Malta through two boards; the Mutual Recognition of Qualifications Appeals Board &the National Curriculum Framework Implementation Board. Dr Farrugia has published several papers and books and his contribution to Tourism& Higher Education is widely known.
Dr. Glen Farrugia
Keynote speaker
Vangelis has 20 years’ experience in leadership roles in higher education, including research, teaching, and faculty management. Alongside his leadership, research, and teaching experience, he has broad experience in internationalisation of higher education and particularly in transnational education collaborations.
Over a period of 20 years, Vangelis has developed and managed international collaborations involving several UK and other European universities. Also, he has extensive experience in online education as Head of Online Programmes for Roehampton University London, and Honorary Lecturer for the University of Liverpool.
Vangelis has broad experience in European transnational education (TNE) and internationalisation of higher education. In the past, he has acted as a higher education policy advisor to the Ministry of Education of Malta on the internationalisation of higher education policy. In 2020, he delivered professional development workshops to Rectors, Deans and Senior Managers of universities in Georgia. He has conducted confidential consultancy research for several UK and European universities and the findings have been used to inform the university internationalisation strategy. Also, he has conducted consultancy research on the internationalisation of higher education for international organisations such as the British Council, Universities UK, and the Association of Commonwealth Universities.
He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (FCMI). He has studied Financial Technology at the University of Oxford; Economics at the University of East London; Management at the University of Leicester; and holds a PhD in cross-border higher education management by Birmingham City University.
Vangelis is the founder of the TNE Hub, an international network of researchers and practitioners in transnational education. The TNE Hub has more than 600 members from 25 countries.
Vangelis Tsiligkiris
Keynote speaker
Conference Team

President of Circle International
Professor Claudio Vignali held The Arnold Ziff Chair in Retail Marketing Management and is Provost of Circle International. He joined Leeds Met (now Leeds Beckett University) in 2003 from the School of Consumer, Tourism and Hospitality Management at Manchester Metropolitan University, where he had been the Consumer Section and Research Head. Prior to this he was the postgraduate diploma course leader in the department of Retailing and Marketing. Professor Vignali holds chairs in Croatia; Poland; Italy and Germany. He also actively delivers MBA and DBA modules for leading UK Universities. He has written more than 150 articles and books in the field of Retailing and Marketing and is the editor of two academic journals.

Dean of Circle International
Dr. El Ansari is a Visiting Fellow at the University of Bradford and visiting Professor at the University of Vitez (TNE & Higher Education policy). He has contributed to an international project to give access to quality education and promote the local, regional and national value of international education, emphasizing the importance of international students to employment and educational opportunities at a local & International level. He has extensive experience in international educational diplomacy. He is Chair of the London Education and Research Network as well as a member of the recently founded Transnational Education committee.

Conference Coordinator
Dr. Reid is a Lecturer in Digital Marketing at the University of Gloucestershire. Her career in the fashion sector encompassed both retailing and buying roles, for brands Warehouse and Cotton Traders respectively. Her thesis and current research into virtual and augmented reality retailing informs her current supervision in strategy, retailing, consumer behavior and digital marketing topics.

Publication Coordinator
Dr. Vignali is Senior Lecturer in Fashion Business at the University of Manchester. He graduated from UMIST with a first degree in Mathematics and joined the University of Manchester after positions at Manchester Metropolitan University and Leeds Beckett University. He has written over 40 papers and books in the field of Marketing and Management and presented at numerous international conferences.

Abstract Coordinator
Dr. Rashid is a highly qualified international academic and has taught postgraduate and professional courses in Austria, Germany, Lithuania and the UK. He is the Director of Post Graduate program in International Marketing & Services Management and Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Corporate Strategy at the University of Salford.

Membership Coordinator
Dr. Raj is a Principal lecturer in the Business school in Leeds Beckett University. His research interests include community events, outdoor events, economic impacts, religious tourism, cultural festivals and sustainable tourism, cultural diversity in events management and international tourism.
Submission Guidelines
Abstract formatA selection of the conference papers will be considered for publication in the following journals: · International Journal of Management Cases · International Journal of Sales, Retailing, and Marketing · Journal of Food Products Marketing · International Journal of Business and Globalization
To submit the full paper please follows the instructions:
The length of the paper should not exceed 22 pages; the minimum length is 11 pages of standard typescript (A4 size; font Arial; size 12; single line spacing, margins 2.5 cm).
For publication in International Journal of Management Cases and International Journal of Sales, Retailing and Marketing follow the instructions below or visit the below links for the two journals: IJMC Submission Requirement Guidelines & IJSRM Submission Requirement Guidelines
Please supply the text of your article in a Microsoft Word file. All of the text must have the minimum of word processing features.
Give your article a title, and list all of the authors at the top of the page. Include an abstract of no more than 300 words and also a list of keywords.
Submission of the full article goes to Prof. Razaq Raj from Leeds Beckett University. Attach the document in an email to r.raj@leedsbeckett.ac.uk
Deadline for full paper submission: 27th March 2023
Title/s, author name/s
Institution/s, country/ies.
Abstracts should be between 150-300 words in length.
The main body should include:
A brief introduction
Background/key issues from the literature,
An overview of the methods and
Results/findings if any.
Five keywords.
Deadline for abstract submission: 20th March 2023
Acceptance notice: within 14 days from the date of arrival
The text should be in Arial (size 12) using the following features:
- Single-line spacing
- Left-aligned text, unjustified
- A single space between sentences
- A single carriage return between paragraphs
- No additional paragraph formatting, e.g. Word headings or style
If the pattern of headings is complex, please distinguish them by making main headings bold, the next level normal and the subheadings in italics.
Display features:
- Do not use any automatic features of Word-like blobbed and numbered lists.
- Put theses in via your keyboard with the numbers, blobs and tab spacing.
- Set up tables and figures as simple as possible so that they can be converted for typesetting.
- Only cross-reference tables and figures in the main file; at the very least, put them on separate pages-ideally, send additional Word or Excel files.
- Do not, under any circumstances, send graphics or pictures embedded in Word Files. Most Word graphics are inextricable from text files.
- Please type out your captions separately in Word and send in a hard copy of how you would like the diagram to look.
The text:
- For the word, be as consistent as you can with spelling, references, and nomenclature.
- Use English ‘connection’, ‘colour’, ‘capitalize’, spellings in preference to US ‘x’, ‘or’, and ‘z’. If there is variable spelling, please use your word processor to check that you have used it consistently.
- Numbers should be words from one to ten and in figures thereafter using commas to separate large ones e.g. 1,000,000.
- Where you use a blobbed list, the entries should be punctuated as sentences – with capital letters and full stops – where they involve a verb, like this one.
- If the list is part of a sentence like the one for paragraph features above no punctuation will be required until the last blob.
- Punctuation should be kept to a minimum and full stops only left for genuine abbreviations like e.g. or ibid. (n.b. there is no extra space) For references please see below.
- Capitalisation of initial letters should also be kept to a minimum. Only dignify titles with capitals where a specific managing director, professor or senior lecturer is mentioned. The initial letters of proper names and titles of books and magazines are capitalized; the titles of articles and the headings in your article will not be. Do not capitalize the internet.
- Only the initial letter of the first word of a heading or the article title should be capitalized – follow the style of this page. No full stops at the end of headings.
- Spell out the contents of the acronym in brackets after it; the International Journal of Management Cases (IJMC). For subsequent references, DSA is fine.
- Use en dashes – like these – without space for parenthesis. Don’t worry if you cannot find these on your machine, they can be put in later. All number series, particularly page references to articles in endnotes, should be separated by an en dash without space: e.g. pp 228 – 412.
- Use single ‘smart’ (i.e. curly) quotes for all quotations and inverted commas, except where there is a quotation inside a quotation, then use double ones.
- Use conventional abbreviations for quantities, without spaces between the number and the measure: so £10m, 35% or 25kg, and no extra full stops are required.
- Show percentages as a figure (35%) rather than spelling it out (percent).
References :
The list of books, articles and sources referred to is placed at the end of the article. It is important that the Harvard referencing system is adopted.
- The handling of author initials
- Of multiple authors if there are no more than three use et al (no full stops)
- Book and journal article titles receive contrasting treatment
- There is no full stop with p or pp
- An en dash between the page numbers with no full stop at the end
- Also, US spelling conventions are observed in the spelling of US references, following the original.
Doctoral students, faculties of University VITEZ Bosnia & International Foundation Grouphave priority in registration. The fee includes participation at the conference from 13th – 14th April 2023. It also includes the presentation of one paper. All additional papers carry an extra conference fee. Additional authors who attend the conference must pay the conference fee. In the event that your paper is not accepted, and you are not interested to attend, your fee will be refunded. The fees include coffees, teas, lunches and the gala dinner.
In-person :
Registration for attending the conference in person: £350
Registration for attending the conference in person students: £300
Online options :
Online attendance conference participation: £90
Online attendance conference viewing only: £80
Online attendance for students’ participation: £60
Online attendance for students’ viewing only: £40
University bookings (viewing only) :
University booking (CIRCLE members, one academic must attend in person to qualify): (up to 50 online students’ attendance)
University booking: (up to 50 online students’ attendance, viewing only)
*Delegates will be given a certificate of attendance.
The hotel cost between £110 per night for a single room and £115 double bed.
Prices at London hotels in Spring range from £80 to £400 per night with an average of about £150. If possible, combing attendance at the conference with a spot of tourism is a great option. While you are attending the conference you can easily visit the traditional tourist venues, book a West End show or make a trip to one of London’s stunning (and free) art galleries and museums.
Payments should be made by bank transfer to CircleInternational, after receiving the abstract acceptance notification.
The total cost of the conference fee, including the costs of bank transfer, should be covered by the participant.
Payments in other currencies will be made at the Bank of England exchange rate valid on the day of the transfer. Please specify the name of the participant and the word: “Circle 2023” within the bank transfer details.
Bank transfers should be made to:
Bank: Santander
Address: Bootle, Merseyside, L30 4GB UK
Sort code: 090128
Account No: 58483427
IBAN: GB79ABBY09012858483427
If you need a visa to attend the conference, please contact us – conference@circleinternational.co.uk