Dilemmas in Measuring the Quality of Professional Services – Example of Healthcare
Iga Rudawska
Personal Engagement in Knowledge Sharing
Ewa Krok
Performance and Organizational Learning Capability in Polish Companies
Aleksandra Rudawska & Alberto Lozano Platonoff
Changes in Organisational Culture in Polish Enterprises
Katrzyna Gadomska-lila
The Evidence on Market Abnormal Returns in Acquisitions on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Agnieszka Perepeczo & Katarzyna Byrka-kita
The Swaps Market in Poland
Agnieszka Majewska
The Media Ana the Prices Creation in Poland
Sebatian Majewski
Value for Banking Services Customer in Poland
Edyta Rudawska
Complementing Incomplete Databases for Multidimensional Customer Segmentation
Magdalena Kotnis
Polish E-commerce
Magdalena Soboń
Innovation Activity of Enterprise Sector in European Union
Katarzyna Kozioł
The System of Environmental Management of Rural Areas in Poland
Lidia Kłos