Failure to Deliver: a Team in Crisis 4
Nirupama Akella & Devi Akella
Union Carbide India Ltd.: a Never Ending Toxic Nightmare 26
Devi Akella & Nirupama Akella
Humorous Celebrities Endorsing High Risk Products: a Review of Current Knowledge and Research Gaps 46
Beata Szymańska-waczyńska
Model of the Sme’s Internationalization Through E-commerce. Preliminary Verification and Development of the Model 59
Ewa Frąckiewicz & Aleksandra Grzesiuk
New Itinerancy: the Potential of Geocaching for Tourism 77
Christèle Boulaire & Guillaume Hervet
Ict Impact on Tourism Industry 87
Aramendia-muneta, M. Elena & Ollo-lopez, Andrea
Mam Baby Products – Strategic Planning and Leadership Analyses 99
Myles E. Mangram
Perception of Romanian Tourists Regarding Supplemental Services of Accommodation Facilities in Romania 112
Nicolae Al. Pop, Ciprian-marcel Pop & Dan Cristian Dabija
The Impact of National Policy on the Competitiveness of a Relevant Agribusiness Sector for the Iranian Economy 125
Federico, G. Topolansky Barbe, Magdalena, M. Gonzalez Triay & Mortaz, Morad
A Case Review of Xpanxion: a Software Quality Assurance Startup 140
Cody Lusero, a. Ross Taylor & Vijay Agrawal
Long-term Relationships Between Consumer and Socially Responsible Company: the Effect of Consumer’s Support for Csr 153
Agne Gadeikiene & Jurate Banyte