Guest Edited by Liliana Elmazi
One-stop-shop Reform and Electronic Governance 4
Argita Malltezi & Flutura Kola-tafaj
Tourism Competitive Environment and Small Business Strategies to Create Competitive Advantages. . Case of Albania and Macedonia 14
Jovan Stojanoski, Zhanina Dapi & Liliana Elmazi
Insurance Product Development: Managing the Changes and Marketing Adoption. The Case of Albania and Macedonia 20
Klime Poposki, Zhanina Dapi & Ilir Elmazi
Custom’s Administration Role on the Protection of Intelectual Properties in Albania: Challenges for a Better Role 29
Eralda (Methasani) Çani
Marketing Strategies of Bread Factories in Kosovo 45
Ejup Fejza
Growth Strategies of Food Industry in Kosovo 53
Ejup Fejza
The Concept of Effective Remedies in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights; a Historical Perspective 61
Evis Alimehmeti
Equal Treatment in Employment and Occupation in Terms of Important International Legal Instruments 74
Eneida Sema, Ilda Melo, Ilir Rusi & Kestrin Katro
Some Issues on Anticorruption Legal Reform in Public Administration 84
Jola Xhafo
Media Law and Digitalization. Legal Landscape of Media and Digitalization. Benefits and Challenges. The Case of Albania 98
Endira Bushati, Migena Leskoviku & Edi Spaho
Analysing Double Taxation: the Albanian Case 109
Genta Tafa (Bungo)
The Request for the Insolvency of Commercial Companies in Albania 122
Kestrin Katro, Zhaklina Peto & Flutura Kola (Tafaj)
Managers and Employees Impact in the Implementation of the Concept of Marketing in the Healthcare Sector in the Republic of Macedonia 136
Avni Ismaili
Consumer Protection in the European Union and Albania 148
Kristina Jance, Edvana Tiri & Stavri Sinjari